Thursday 26 November 2009

concrete continues..

Concrete - concrete - concrete.......... Great to see so many different ideas coming out of the concrete week activities. I am keen to receive some of your images to post here, on the blog - please email me. I have film- and photographic footage from Monday - this will be posted later, ongoing process.

Continue the experiments - record process - work towards the final outcome for the hub and don't forget to keep a record of all stages of the concrete (and laser cutting) process - photographs, text, sketches etc., see brief 2DES0062.

Some good evaluative work seen today from the Concrete Lecture on Monday - (see 2DES0062). I will be following up on general feedback with everyone soon - and pass to Allan. Check studynet for the form to complete and return to me. Thanks.

Thursday 19 November 2009

CONCRETE WEEK - Concrete Lecture

23rd-27th November 2009

Get ready to get messy with Concrete..!
Mould making started today - Monday continue this operation - test, experiment, fail, succeed, try again, record, fail, fail, fail, succeed, fail, succeed, super succeed - get to know materials, techniques, terminology...

Concrete Week starts with an important and topical lecture - see Poster on Studynet

Sound and vision - on way from checking lecture space for Monday. Thoughts about the spaces for the various Shoreditch sites., the events, concrete moulds, details etc., Get ready to experiment next week. Over the weekend, source materials for moulds, recycle found materials; skips etc.,
See you Monday. h

(tip - I later realised the soundtrack (sound and vision) works rather well with the images of this quick time movie - so play the song/link as you watch the movie - more effective, will try and dub in effect later)

Studio today - snapshots..

nE News & Events Nov'09 now on Studynet..

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Another event at Iniva!
FRIDAY 20th November 5 pm

image source:

Please note - this is a relevant event for research, knowledge, inspiration & participation - good opportunity also to go back to the site!

"Iniva is holding a panel discussion Friday evening 20th Nov starting at 5pm to launch the book Cultures and Globalization, Series 3 - Cultural Expression, Creativity and Innovation. The series maps the complex inter-relations between globalisation and culture in its many forms in the contemporary world.

Dr Maruska Svasek of Queen's University, Belfast, Mo Tomaney, University for the Creative Arts, Epsom, and Research Fellow in Fashion & Ethics, Central St Martins, Prof. Andrew Dewdney, Southbank University and Dr Helmut Anheier, Dean of the Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, and co-editor of the book will participate in a panel discussion chaired by co-editor Prof. Yudhishthir Raj Isar of Iniva and The American University of Paris. The discussion will explore the complex relationships between arts practices and the flows of signs, symbols and meanings".
Source: Iniva
Booking essential

(Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this, so if anyone does, I will very much want to hear about your experience - please take notes. I will be going to the Conversations Around Choreography talk at Siobhan Davies Dance Studio with Lavinia Greenlaw and Cornelia Parker).


Sunday 15 November 2009

Critique week

Sakina connectors
Connect now to site topography - creating a network of grids, routes, events..
Work in Progress

Thursday 12th November was an important point in the timeline of this project. The day was spent presenting and reviewing and critiquing ideas/concepts and their connectors to site, urban topography, historical narratives and other curious matters, such as tactile walls, distant echos of the past (audio capture), living rooms moving to the street, lace and concrete (have a look at the Nottingham Contemporary by Caruso St John), woven and knitted spaces, circuit connectors, spinning wheels and spindles cutting through facades, cultural rooftop viewings, fashionable vintage scaffolding structures ....

You have all been given feedback and should remember (always) to take your own feedback notes directly after the presentation (unless you have a crit buddy assigned). This feedback now needs ACTION - I will look at this in detail on Thursday next week (19th Nov).

Please check the requirements that were in place for the 12th Nov crit - have you fulfilled this criteria? You can find this on Studynet and some of it here/earlier Blog. Keep the action plan going.


Abi Rooftop viewing
Look at temporary structures such as shacks and favelas for inspiration, materiality and development for further experiments

Ellie material space -
make decisions on materials and event - how does it all connect? experiment with the structure - model it

Emma concrete tests - pre-historic style

Emma the bike shed
Extend the structure into inside/outside space where bikes are in view (so to avoid bike thieves..) Incorporate the mix of interior ambience you are talking about in your visual research

One of a series of ideas/details - make decisions, take some risks and develop the scheme

string art experiments for Old Street tube i-meet place
Make a model of the whole area, as all of it will affect your project decisions - decide the 'event' in the hub/s and start visuals to connect to the experiments

Jodiann Statistical barcharts
experiment even more with models to test and get the spatial qualities right - establish the mechanics of the statistical day-to-day operation of the hub

Nikita Foundry Wrap

Bahwi - (out of focus) lace

Abi - rough site/first rooftop models

End note, last group, very late, still smiling

Friday 6 November 2009

Preparing for Critique Week

"Urban spaces and streets created within the urban fabric form the background for places offering axes and focused views and may be seen as a language of field and axis. The space between the grid fragments offer unlimited potential for interpretation".
(Informal Architectures Space and Contemporary Culture black dog 2004)

Next week is CRITIQUE WEEK - work will have gained a few new layers - site and proposal absolutely clear - Thursday will be about presentation-discussion-feedback on Work In Progress. Last week's workshop 'mass-production of Maquettes and other ideas' proved fruitful from those that I have seen. By far not enough MASS-PRODUCTION seen.... evidence from this will be part of Thursday's requirements.

Are you ready...?
SITE - location plan, surroundings, how connect + good images of site
HUB and 'EVENT' (installation, exhibition, meeting point, event..)
PROPOSAL BRIEF (what-who-why-how-where-when.......) - clear knowledge of ideas and intentions
DRAWINGS (CAD, sketches, details and other studies) - some in progress; details etc., as not yet finalised
MAQUETTES en masse - actual + photographic evidence
ALL ON DIGITAL PRESENTATION, as always (supported by sketchbooks, larger drawings etc.,)
............ See brief for further details
reminder > time to start your own blogs now that work is progressing...

Ewa Sowinska concrete & sensory Braille wall

James Gooch - spatial arrangements for public gallery where intrigue plays part of the navigation -
curious view points, what's behind the corner..