Sunday 20 December 2009

Taking a break

Christmas Eve / H Saarinen

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I am collating images and reference from the critiqe on Thursday 17th December and will post here after the holidays.
Now we are all taking a break. See you in January.
Best wishes

some images from 17th Dec:





Sunday 13 December 2009

Preparing for Thursday's critique

Final preparations have started for pre-Christmas critique, Thursday 17th December.
Can all check the requirements and agenda.

This week will focus on detailing and drawing up the hub and finalising the showcase/event (brief) - this is already in place - but the days up to Thursday will allow you to check, amend and clarify.

Instructions and guidelines on studynet. Make sure you know what you need to do.
Good luck everyone. h

ps------Remember we are showing the work in January at Iniva - I will start the editing for the DVD this week, this will be an ongoing process and I ask everyone to respond to any image/drawing requests promptly, as and when. Many thanks.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

20 slides presentations


7th Dec '09

Preparing for the critique next week, slides were seen of work in progress - all to act now on the feedback as given and discussed. Please remember to start draft layouts for the posters and digital presentations (power points etc), models (you need to be working towards the final model once drawings are in place - hence the importance of this)..


Street Hut’

'..This concept is a combination of bridges, huts and benches working together as a little labyrinth. I want users to explore the two floors and also relax when they have found a comfortable spot. What I wanted to create with “Street Hut” was a flowing pathway that takes you as far away from the entrance as possible whilst linkages allow you to move from one block to another..'.


Bahwi - lace studies


Rinaben - exits

Nikita - embrace (experiments bench design)

Charlotte / Maheen

mafoombey Charlotte's inspiration for interior
designed by Matti Kalliala/Esa Ruskeepaa

James - testing design on site

Ellie - material wall

Thursday 3 December 2009

documenting process

Bahwi's concrete lace - combining concrete casting / laser cutting techniques

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Reflecting - concrete week

Concrete Week workshops at University of Hertfordshire/Interior & Spatial students, Nov '09

Having evaluated the process over the week, there is now evidence of development - the concrete week not only built skill base and encouraged experimentation but brought concepts forward directly through the hands-on workshops.

Preparations in studio

The concrete lecture that started the week set the scene to what was to follow. Allan Haines / Concrete Centre gave an informative and lively lecture - thank you, Allan - all levels gained from this. Please make sure that you return the feedback that I have requested. It's important that we get your comments so this can be used when planning future events.

Tutorials on Monday started preparations for the pre-Christmas crit Thursday 17th December - attendance obligatory; have site plan, brief, accurate and detailed drawings, models/maquettes, process- and outcome from concrete week - documented evidence.

**BEFORE this, you will present work in progress on Monday 7th December - see email on requirements for this (pecha kucha). All details on Studynet.

Prepare & make sure you know what is required.

Rinaben experiments / materials / textures and concrete

Ewa developing Braille wall

see Ewa's blog (in process of update)

Some inspiration - I visited a few exhibitions in London today - Anish Kapoor, Royal Academy of Arts, Stuart Haygarth at the Haunch of Venison, Raymond Pettibon at Sadie Coles, Damien Hirst at the White Cube, W1, Saatchi Gallery, SW3 and enjoyed a pre-opening bash at the new Sketch temporary pop-up restaurant (3 Dec 09-31 Jan 10) at the Roayal Academy of Arts (see Sketch main website) admiring the eclectic interior and detail.

Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly W1

Anish Kapoor, courtyard RA installation

Stuart Haygarth Sketch/Haunch of Venison W1

Sketch - butterfly plate detail

Stuart Haygarth Haunch of Venison W1

Everywhere I went, I realised that all shows had something for the Shoreditch Showcase project - for inspiration and ideas - pile of textiles at the Saatchi, graphic novel style at Sadie Coles, Sketch; atmosphere, showcase/counter, espresso cups (out of rubber), pink wall with display of open books... and Haygarth's fabulous chandeliers made out of found objects (spectacles, car wing mirrors etc.,) - splendid craftsmanship - all producing fantastic light, mood and shadows. Truly inspirational.

Please remember how important it is to know what's out there and how good it is to return home with the feeling that you have seen and experienced. This will make your ideas and work stronger. Make a habit of visiting exhibitions.

piling it up at Sketch

and some seasonal window shopping

Maheen now has a blog - check it out & follow it here

Thursday 26 November 2009

concrete continues..

Concrete - concrete - concrete.......... Great to see so many different ideas coming out of the concrete week activities. I am keen to receive some of your images to post here, on the blog - please email me. I have film- and photographic footage from Monday - this will be posted later, ongoing process.

Continue the experiments - record process - work towards the final outcome for the hub and don't forget to keep a record of all stages of the concrete (and laser cutting) process - photographs, text, sketches etc., see brief 2DES0062.

Some good evaluative work seen today from the Concrete Lecture on Monday - (see 2DES0062). I will be following up on general feedback with everyone soon - and pass to Allan. Check studynet for the form to complete and return to me. Thanks.

Thursday 19 November 2009

CONCRETE WEEK - Concrete Lecture

23rd-27th November 2009

Get ready to get messy with Concrete..!
Mould making started today - Monday continue this operation - test, experiment, fail, succeed, try again, record, fail, fail, fail, succeed, fail, succeed, super succeed - get to know materials, techniques, terminology...

Concrete Week starts with an important and topical lecture - see Poster on Studynet

Sound and vision - on way from checking lecture space for Monday. Thoughts about the spaces for the various Shoreditch sites., the events, concrete moulds, details etc., Get ready to experiment next week. Over the weekend, source materials for moulds, recycle found materials; skips etc.,
See you Monday. h

(tip - I later realised the soundtrack (sound and vision) works rather well with the images of this quick time movie - so play the song/link as you watch the movie - more effective, will try and dub in effect later)

Studio today - snapshots..

nE News & Events Nov'09 now on Studynet..